Friday, November 25, 2005


To realize lots of things is certainly a good thing.
But, it shouldn't be done with haste.
Understanding things one at a time is the best way to improve ourselves.

1 comment:

jarvenpa said...

I'm working my way up through your postings--you have been busy writing and I have been busy doing other things.
Yes, it's a good thing to realize a lot of things.
It shouldn't be done "with haste" is a bit more correct (or you could write:"it shouldn't be done hastily").
Your last sentence is a bit of a puzzle for me, though I understand what you mean (I think I do, anyway). You write: "Know one by one is the best way to improve ourselves" which sounds, actually, very wise, if not quite grammatical. Depending on exactly what you most want to say, you could write:"Understanding (or learning) things one at a time" etc; or "To know things one by one" etc. or possibly "I know that learning things one at a time"...and so on.
Does this make sense to you?
I have the kind of mind that likes to skip from subject to subject, myself, and I do tend to learn things at a kind of shallow level, instead of achieving deep understanding.
But I have fun.