Monday, November 14, 2005

Blue Sky in Two Weeks

Today, we had a very beautiful blue sky for all day for the first time in two weeks.
Rain or gray sky may calm our minds, but I sure like the blue sky.


jarvenpa said...

(bad spam comment above. But you seem tolerant of these, Saku).

I too love to see the blue sky. Here in winter when there are weeks of grey sky, or rain, I can get depressed. I even have a special light near my desk to make pretend sunlight.
Do you mean this was the first blue sky day in two weeks? Then you might add something like "for the first time in two weeks". Let me go back and double check--I didn't write down your original sentence.

jarvenpa said...

Yes--I'd put "for the first time" after "all day", if this really was the first time in two weeks the skies weren't gray (or grey. Confusing. Two ways to spell that word--!)