Tuesday, March 07, 2006

To Forgive Myself

Usually, when a person is disliked by someone without any reason, she feels hurt.

She also feels very sad, because she couldn't think of any reason to be hated.
People don't like to be hated, but then, it's also true that not everyone likes you.

But when you think about yourself, you will know how egotistic your wish is. Basically, there is no one who can love all of the people she met. Everyone dislikes at least one person. Therefore, it's so natural that you will be disliked by at least one person.

So, when you feel hurt by other's nasty words, you must think about yourself. If you hated someone before, you must forgive the person who hates you now.
By doing so, you are actually forgiving yourself.


jarvenpa said...

Well, I hope you are not struggling with the unreasoning dislike of someone. But your reasoning is very good and true.
Check the spelling of dislike in your first sentence; this looks to me like just a typo.
The rest of the post is fine, unless you want to use "meets" instead of "met". (both are correct; it depends on if you want to just talk about people who were met in the past, or in general about people one meets in life).
Some might debate your point about not being able to love everyone one meets in life. True, I have not been capable of this; but I can imagine a very wise and spiritual person who could look at everyone with love.
And I do find that if I take time to try to listen to people I disagree with, or whom I find disagreeable, usually I will find something to like in them, if not love.

Saku said...

Yes, I thought about Buddha and Jesus who seem to like everyone they met, so, I add "basically" in the sentence.