Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rather Than

I'm trying not to think of someone as a fool, but it's very difficult to do.
Maybe it's better to try finding a smile rather than to try denying some thoughts.


jarvenpa said...

This one makes me wonder a bit--what caused you to write this, I wonder? I should have copied your sentences out to check the grammar--there were a couple small oddities, but I will need to see your actual text again. So two comments! (but hmmm, who is the foolish one?)

jarvenpa said...

Rather Than

I'm trying not to think someone as a fool, but it's very difficult to do.
Maybe it's better to try finding a smile rather than to try denying some thoughts.
Okay, now I have your sentences copied into this comment.
"I'm trying not to think OF someone as a fool". Really only one little two letter correction!!

Saku said...

I remembered one of the Murphy's Law, when I looked a girl and thought "She looks really stupid... oh, but I should not think like this".