Saturday, November 24, 2007

Doesn't Go Horizontally

"Selfless love (love that asks nothing in return)" is coming from above.
It really comes from the higher thing.


jarvenpa said...

It may come from the higher being or the higher state of our mind and heart, but don't you think it can spread out horizontally as well?
I do. I think in a way we take the love of the divine (whatever you wish to call that, God, the gods, whatever) and we are called to try to reflect that and share that with those here with us.

Saku said...

At first, the last sentence was finishing by this phrase "- and we are all bathed in it," but I erased.

My image of "love that asks nothing in return" is like air.

This love doesn't choose it's subject. For example, even Hitler was given air for all his life.
This love is also one-to-many. At every moment, air is provided for all of us.

We can naturally give love like this towards babies, animals, or plants.

And, we are also given a chance to enhance our love through the relationships with the people around us.

To enhance our love, we need to give it selflessly, and the behavior of giving selfless love itself uplifts our minds.

That’s why I’m writing that “love that asks nothing in return” doesn’t flow horizontally. It flows like a river.