Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Sometimes, we face a perverse principle for expectations;
when we have high expectations, we get depressive results, but when we have low expectations, we get better results.

Or could I say like this?
"Sometimes, high expectations are welcomed by depressive results, and low expectations are greeted by positive outcomes."

(...I feel awkward making these sentences...)


jarvenpa said...

I know what you are trying to say here, at least I think I do.
"depressive" may not be the word you want. Are you meaning to say that sometimes, when we have very high expectations or hopes, and what happens is not as good as we hoped, we feel sad or depressed? But that when we expect little often we receive much?
Or, are you saying that if we set our expectations very high we may fail, and if we keep our expectations low we may do better than we expected?

Saku said...

I meant the first way.
"when we have very high hopes, what happens is not as good as we hoped, but when we expect little, often we receive much."