Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sayaka Shoji

There are so many great people in this world.

Today, I learned about a Japanese violinist called "Sayaka Shoji."
It said she is younger than me, but already a professional violinist who won the Paganini International Violin Competition (? ...I'm not sure for the English name of this contest), and she seems to have a very strong and deep mind.
I may search for her CD and listen to her music.


jarvenpa said...

You'll want to search FOR her music and listen TO her tape.
It is amazing when we find out about really gifted people. I have not heard of this young musician, and I will also see if I can find some of her music. Many years ago I heard a pianist playing (on the radio) some Chopin I thought I knew well. He played as if every note was new, and I heard it all in a new way.

jarvenpa said...

okay, reading your actual words; search for her cd and listen to her music...