Thursday, December 01, 2005

Just After

Just after I decided to fess up and respect a person, she said good things to me.
How interesting.

December 1, 2:10 pm.
The first snow in this winter.


jarvenpa said...

Very interesting, indeed.

And do you like the snow? Where I live it snows a little some winters, but rarely a lot.
I grew up in mostly warm areas. When I was around your age I lived for a couple years on the East Coast, in New Haven. The first snow my first winter there was very exciting to me. I ran into the street in delight. Other people, who knew a long hard winter was starting, stared at me with very sour expressions.

Saku said...

I like snow.
I also grew up in warm places where they never have snow, so it's very interesting to see snow.