Wednesday, January 05, 2005


There are so many sad news in this world.
If you turn on TV and watch news, you'll find numerous incidents, such as murders, abductions, smuggling, corruptions, terrors, wars ... not only man-caused incidents, but there are natural disasters too; wildfire, flood, earthquake, tsunami, eruption, or diseases.
Do we really need to know all of these?
We don't need to know all of such incidents; especially when we can't even make a person besides you happy. Those news, if you aren't in the place to actually help the people on the screen, don't help your life at all. You may feel pity for them, but that's not they want. You may feel lucky compared to them, but that's nothing for your work. You may feel superior to know the news faster than others, but that's even worse from the point of spiritual growth. Those news never be useful to solve your problems. Those only lower your energy. Those only darken your world. Those only increase your negativity. So in that case, where's the point to see those sad, tragic and upsetting news when you even don't know how to save them? Leave those big problems to the people who are capable of, and focus your problems, your own local problems which you are responsible for. You are capable of solving these. And after you solved the problems, it's enough to create a beautiful harmony around you.
...But if you still feel guilty for not knowing or doing for the people on the screen, what you need is to pray. Pray for them as hard as you want. Then, that's enough for you and the people.

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