Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Okinawan Time

I always come back to a slower rhythm called "Okinawan time" when I don't have nothing special to do.

People in Okinawa (the south end of Japan) usually come 20 to 30 minutes late from the appointed time, and this not-so-good habit or the easygoing life style is called Okinawan time.

Because tomorrow's class has been cancelled, I already feel a little foolish, and doing things almost an hour late from the usual schedule.

But now I have to rewind myself and start studying.


jarvenpa said...

Around here we call it "Humboldt Time" (the name of the county I live in..well, actually, the county where my bookstore is; my home is in a neighboring county). People always show up about 30 minutes late--if at all. My partner tends to show up 2 hours late, so long ago I learned to either tell him we are supposed to be somewhere at 10 when we are supposed to be there at 12, or to bring along something to work on while I wait.

Saku said...

I see, so I guess that there is this kind of habit in many parts of the world because I also got another comment in my Japanese version of this blog saying that there is "Komorino Time" which means the same habit in the region called Komorino in Japan.
It is interesting!