Friday, May 12, 2006

Heart Shaped Leaves

Two minutes...! I didn't make it.

Oh, well.

The weeds that sprouted out in my African Violet pot were Oxalis (I guess).
Does it have a bad effect on other plants?
Otherwise, I want to keep them because their hart shaped leaves are so cute!


jarvenpa said...

Well, I'm not certain if your oxalis and your African violet should be in the same pot, but you could wait till the oxalis is bigger before transplanting.
Some kinds of oxalis are grown as flowers. Some have pink flowers, some yellow, and some white. I agree that they are pretty plants.
I grow the pink flowered kind in a flowerbed with other flowers; it is very pretty right now.

jarvenpa said...

Oh--I am a bad proof reader. It is probably "heart" shaped leaves that you mean. "Hart" is an oldfashioned name for a kind of deer.