Monday, January 09, 2006

One Counterplot

Downtown Victoria has become a little creepy in these days,
but I found one way of passing over those scary homeless people, to sing a children's song with a happy face.

With this, those people think that I'm mad and don't come closer.
I'm sure that if I add dazed eyes, it would be better.

1 comment:

jarvenpa said...

Well, this is one plan, Saku. And singing always makes me feel better (and probably does make people think I am nuts).
I am sorry the homeless people in your city frighten you. Are there lots and lots? There are more and more homeless in the US too. Here in my little town I am friends with many who have no homes, so they don't scare me, even though some have mental problems, and sometimes get a little crazy on drugs. At my bookstore we keep lots of warm jackets and blankets and sometimes food so that people in trouble can have just a little bit of comfort. But it is easier in a small town--I get to be kind of the mom, or big sister, and am treated gently by even pretty scary people.
Anyway, I hope you stay safe. It is hard sometimes walking alone in cities, especially at night. I've done it, especially when I was younger, and was lucky--but you know, I usually sang too!