Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I leaned that when I really really want to say something, it's better to shut my mouth, since that "something" is usually a bad thing.


jarvenpa said...

Sounds like when you really want to say something perhaps it is because you have been quiet too long about something that you think is unfair or not right. And then if you do open your mouth perhaps you say a little too much.
When I was much younger I used to be much like that, because I feared upsetting others, and would, as we say "hold my tongue" until I could no longer stay silent. Then my speech would be very angry and, as we say "over the top" and I would later regret it.
I have gotten better at saying what I think before I get angry, and that helps.

Saku said...

You may be right.
I'll train myself too.