Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I am refined by other people.
Therefore, perhaps, I am also refining others.

(Because there was an error on the server, yesterday's post was completely gone. I'm sorry for this.)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Artistic Jack-o'-Lanterns

I went to the Pumpkin Art Exhibition. These are the pictures. The fist is from the section of musicals, and the second is from the section of Disney, and the third is a witch. There are many other sections in the exhibition such that Star Wars, the Beatles,or Sesame Street. It was very fun to see them.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Pumpkin Art Exhibition

Today, I'm going to the "Pumpkin Art" exhibition at the place called government House near my apartment.
It's said that there are so many artistically curved pumpkins placed on its large gardens.

If I can take pictures correctly (since it's held at night), I'll put one or two in here tomorrow.

Friday, October 27, 2006

A Big Shock

I thought that the course was very easy, and the test we had last Tuesday was OK, BUT I got only 20% for it.

I was so shocked!

I must not underestimate any course in the university...

The End of the Week

I was going to take a nap for about two hours (from 8 pm), but five hours has already passed.
It is the end of the week...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sometimes, The Phone Line Is Strange too.

Yesterday, I couldn't connect to the Internet.
I totally don't know why.
Oh, well.

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Same Foolishness

I sometimes feel that "Oh, I was misunderstood." But today, when I found that the real title of the essay I've been assigned at class was "The Female Body" which I've been mistakenly read as "The Female Boy," I laughed and thought "Oh, I often do misunderstand."

If I do have misunderstandings about other people, then I cannot go for other people's misunderstandings about me.
I guess, we are doing the same things to each other.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Starting Point

We need some power to make a starting point.
But, once it has started, we can go forward.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Use It

It's better to use your knowledge than keep it on your own.
By using it, you can acquire more knowledge.

Friday, October 20, 2006


The young building custodian, who have always opened the door of a practice room after the office hours, got a new position at the music school, and now is working behind the scenes on the concerts with a suit.
It's good to see someone I like to move up.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Round Globe

I'm sure that there is an enormous power to really know the truth.
Therefore, I wish to go outside the Earth, and want to look the "round Globe."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Period of Rebelliousness

There are many things on my desk, and it's so messy.

Oh, well.

(I guess I entered a period of rebelliousness.)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How's My Study?

I want to rise the efficiency of my study, but it means that I have to concentrate on the work right at this very moment.

...How difficult it is.

Monday, October 16, 2006

One Scenery from a Bus

There was a middle aged woman who was sitting on a window seat of the bus that was on the other lane of the bus I'm on.
She seemed to be a little tired.
Then, several weeks have passed since I saw this woman, but somehow I still remember her expression.
I hope that she is happy now.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Right now, I am losing myself.


Oh, well. I can go farther.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


There are so many sources for information, but which one to choose is totally depend on each person.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Thing I Need the Most

Unless I don't give up, all things can be a good thing.
Everything is dependent only on this short words "never give up."

Thursday, October 12, 2006

From the Moon

The moon I saw today was first raised on the countries on the Pacific Ocean, then Japan, Australia, Korean Peninsula, China, Middle East, Africa, Europe, got across the Atlantic Ocean, then finally reached the American continent.

At any place on the Earth, the moon is the same moon.

And, from the moon, human activities might look like the ant's activities.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Handwriting Speed

I found the biggest issue of my study.
It's the slowness of my writing.
Now, to improve it, I need to practice more handwriting.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Efficiency

Even if I study all night, my work does not progress as much as I hoped.
I need to improve the efficiency of my daytime activities.

Monday, October 09, 2006

After the Rain

It's after the rain.
I can see the beautiful jewel-toned sky from my room's large window. Then, I realize that nature has always been beautiful.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


When my mind is disturbed so much, I cannot do anything.
Therefore, first I need to calm it, then I can do whatever I want.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

A One-Way Street

When she has some emotions toward a person, the person usually have the same emotions toward her. The same type of emotions occur in both minds simultaneously.

Therefore, it's an illusion if one likes a person but the person doesn't.
And, it's a jealousy if one hates a person but the person does not.

What do you think?

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Bluish Light

Today's moon is near full.
Then, when I saw a tree shadow made by the moonlight, I recalled the time when I first saw the bluish ray.

It is said that moonlight is bluish, but I had never seen it until I was about fourteen. That night, I was really really moved, and thought that,
"The old tales were true. It is really blue!"

I think, we sometimes need to spend a night in the darkness. Then, we can see the color of moonlight.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Super Mario Brothers!

It's already about four years ago.

When I first took the ESL class at the University of Victoria, a boy from Columbia entered the class about two weeks later, so he introduced himself in front of everyone by saying,

"My name is Mario."

Then, just after this introduction, a Mexican boy started to sing,

"La la la, la la, la, la."

I don't know many about games, but I immediately noticed that the song was the very famous video game, Super Mario Brothers' theme.

This was the first time I really thought that, "Video games really are spreading across the world."

Video games often said to have bad influence on children, but I just thought that they could be one of the useful tools to unite the world. (If it's not a bad one.)

If you want to know what the melody is like, visit this page, and press the top left image after you enter. (When you want to stop the melody, press the bottom left image - the x sign - in the second box, or press the image of a flag, if you cannot find the stop sign easily.)


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Today's One

When I make a really really low score on a test, first, I laugh to myself.
Then, I get angry.
Finally, I cry.

Sometimes, I cry before I get angry, but in most cases, I end up with crying before I feel refreshed.
So, the above order is the normal case for me.

... ...

Today's one is not a test though.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The web browser I now use is Firefox version 1.5.
This latest version has a new function that enables me to choose the basic font of a web page. I had a slight dissatisfaction in the old version's basic font, and I wanted to change it to the one which is more legible.

On a computer screen, the font that is like calligraphy is not so legible than the font that is like pen-written. Simple font appears better on a screen.
But, since I can change the font in this new version, I finally found a satisfying solution for this problem.

Monday, October 02, 2006


When I'm taking with my English teacher, I cannot talk well.
I guess I'm hesitating unconsciously.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Hope

Human mind might be a hope as well.