Yesterday, I installed a very funny software called "The Component Analysis."
It's a joke software that gives you the percentage of components of which whatever you input.
It's, right now, a vogue between my friends. (It's in Japanese.)
For example, if you input "Tylenol," it will show like this;
"50% of Tylenol is made up of kindness."
So, let's analyze myself!
I got these results:
66% of Saku is made up of artificial colors.
18% of Saku is made up of preparedness.
8% of Saku is made up of Slime.
3% of Saku is made up of kindness.
2 % of Saku is made up of solid gold.
2 % of Saku is made up of a trap.
1% of Saku is made up of an enigma.
What do you think?
Saturday, April 08, 2006
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You are more of an enigma, and have very few artificial colors, I think. I wish this software were also in English, sounds like fun!
Yes, it is fun!
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