Sunday, October 23, 2005

One Law

When I feel lazy to study,
... my kitchen becomes clean.


jarvenpa said...

So true, Saku. I have noticed that when there are things I don't want to do suddenly I get busy cleaning my desk or the kitchen.
Your English is very good! One little correction: aunt means the sister of your father or mother. Ant is how we spell the little insect.
If you want to keep from getting commercial messages I think there is a word identification thing you can put on your blog. (Sorry not to be clearer; I am pretty new to this sort of thing).
I will check in on your blog now and then. Best of luck with your studies!

Saku said...

Thank you for your comment!
I corrected 'aunt' to 'ant.'
I hope there is spell check function in the comment system too.