Tuesday, December 21, 2004

A beautiful picture of us

There is no competition at all in this world. The only thing there is the great great diversity.
You may oppose this idea, but, this is true. People are arguing, racing, or comparing from their point of view, but think of the time span which stretches hundreds, thousands, or millions of years. From this point of view, all the competitions we make will simply be washed away; none will be left. You know this feeling too. When you looked up the star studded night sky, when you watched the boundless ocean, or when you gasped at a spectacular ground view, you must have felt the human frailties.
There is only the great diversity in this world. And to make this diversion, one must be tall like a tree, one must be short like a grass, one must be clear like a crystal, one must be dull like a rock, one must be passionate like fire, one must be calm like water ... and so on. Then, with all this diversity, this world will appear a beautiful breath-taking picture of God.

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